Coffee && Cigarettes

Two peas in a pod.

Coffee and cigarettes are complementary addictions. Throw a little alcohol in there, and you got yourself a beautiful trifecta.

The other day I was driving a co-worker to work. Stopped at the gas station, he asked for me to grab him a pack of Camel Blues and a Java Monster. $7 for cigs and $3 for a coffee-flavored energy drink.

Expensive habit.

The other day on FB, a friend of mine posted about the bliss of enjoying a coffee and a cig together. Hmm. Trending much?

The two have been paired together for a long, long time. With the popularity of e-cigarettes and energy drinks growing, this culture’s addiction to caffeine and nicotine seem to leaping exponentially, albeit upgrading to sleeker, more modern versions of themselves.

Even the cardiologist I work for can’t function throughout his day without his habitual smoke breaks and a brewing pot o’ Joe constantly at the ready in the break room. A heart doctor, medically trained to know better.

What is it about these two sirens that ensnare so many? What can we do to lessen the damage to our society’s health?

Arguments for coffee:

  • I need it to stay awake.
  • I  like the taste.
  • It’s part of my morning routine.
  • I need it to sleep at night.
  • It’s part of my everyday social interactions.
  • Everybody drinks coffee.

Here are some healthy alternatives to coffee, and a few reasons to cut down too.

Arguments for smoking:

  • It relaxes me.
  • Whenever I quit, I gain 40 lbs.
  • It’s a habit.
  • I only smoke socially.
  • Everybody does it.
  • I am/was in the military, and hell, who doesn’t smoke?
  • I’m addicted to nicotine.
  • I plan to quit, eventually… you know, one day.
  • I’m just too stressed to quit right now.

Here are some tips on cutting the cig out of your life for good.

P.S. Heart disease and cancer both radically suck, and are number one killers in America. Two of the biggest contributors are listed in the heading of this article.



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